This is not the first time that Aamir Khan has turned emotional on camera. Each year, while shooting for his Satyamev Jayate episodes, the actor occassionally feels emotional and heavy while discussing some of the ills that plague the Indian society.
The show's third edition introduced a new segment where Aamir interacted with the audience live post the episode. During that segment while interacting with the survivors of TB, he emotionally broke down into tears.
Sunday's episode of Satyamev Jayate targeted the issue of tuberculosis and how patients who have survived the deadly disease has become an inspiration to others!
The show's third edition introduced a new segment where Aamir interacted with the audience live post the episode. During that segment while interacting with the survivors of TB, he emotionally broke down into tears.
Sunday's episode of Satyamev Jayate targeted the issue of tuberculosis and how patients who have survived the deadly disease has become an inspiration to others!
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